Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Conservative Chamberlain becomes Prime Minister

Arthur Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, has been elected leader of the Conservative Party of Britain. Neville ChamberlainHe uses in middle name in informal relations. Arthur is rarely used.

In the wake of the abdication, Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin resigned. Upon his resignation, Baldwin advised the newly coronated King to call for Chamberlain.

Shortly after taking office, the new Prime Minister has removed Lord Walter Runciman from his post. This has deeply angered Lord Runciman, a member of the Liberal Party. He offered Lord Runciman the Lord Privy Seal but this was declined.

Also, Chamberlain has advised cabinet members to make proposals for two-year programmes to him in the very near future. It seems the government may be changing after all. For the better is anyone's guess.