Saturday, December 11, 2004

Italy Abyssinian relations get heated

Six days ago on December 5th, there was a skirmish at Walwal between between Abyssinian troops and Somali troops in service to Italy. The reasons for Italy's alleged aggressive activity are unknown. However, Italy claims that the Abyssinians were armed with machine guns. The Abyssinians claim that the Italians had two tanks and three aircraft. They also claim that the Italians attacked them.

The ratio of casualties was 3:1 with 150 Abyssinians and 50 Italians dead.

On December 6th, the Emperor of Abyssinia, Haile Selassie, protested against aggression that occurred at the border town of Walwal the day before.

Italy demanded an apology two days later. Furthermore, today, the Italians demanded financial and strategic compensation.

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