Thursday, June 2, 2005

Britain talks to Germany

After Germany began to re-militarize, nothing but official protests came from the Western European powers of Great Britain and France. It appears the are less concerned with the military restrictions within the Treaty of Versailles than economic ones in the form of reparations. It is these reparations that Germany has been burdened with that has led to political upheaval with the cash strapped Germany.

Great Britain has had many who have believed that the restrictions placed on Germany were too harsh. They were the ones that France, a country that suffered greatly during the Great War, had pressured the other allies for during the Peace talks after armistice.

As such, the British have elected to talk to Germany about their military situation. Joachim von Ribbentrop, formerly a champaigne businessman, has arrived in London today to discuss the details of an agreement between the two nations. More as this story develops.

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