Sunday, August 6, 2006

Berlin Weather changes for the gloomy

Luck in the matter of the weather, which has been all on the side of the Nazis since they obtained power in Germany, seems to have failed them in these Olympics. Until now it has almost assured that for any big German fete day the weather would be ideal.

Only once in the last three years did the weather fail them. That was the memorable May Day last year when the snow flurries and a biting wind spoiled for more than a million persons at Tempelhof the effect of Hitler's speech. The labor demonstration by the masses on May Day was not so much emphasized this year.

But that was an exception. All the other big Nazi shows have had blue skies in the their favor until these Olympics, upon the success of which the régime sets so much store. Ever since they begain it has rained in Berlin daily after the fashion of April transposed to August.

Yet, even after that, the weather gods seem to have tried to be as kind as possible. Today, while it was raining heavily in the city so that hundreds were discouraged from going to the games, hardly a drop fell on the stadium before the games closed. in fact, wet weather has not greatly hampered the tests themselves.

Since the games began it has begun to rain with clocklike regularity a few minutes after 6 PM when the last major event was just over. It also rains regularly during the noon recess from 12 to 3.

The attendance keeps up just the same. On the first day of the games, 86 special trains arrived in Berlin with 52,000 passengers and 95,000 more passengers came on regular trains. The second day53 special trains brought 27,000 passengers and the regular trains, 91,000. Figures for later days are unavailable at this time, but it is quite certain the influx is keeping up, if it is not necessarily increasing.

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