Saturday, August 5, 2006

Control & language at the Games

The Olympic Organization Committee has announced that the results of the games cannot continue to be broadcast in three languages because it would take so much time that the broadcasters would be going all the time and spoil the show.

On the whole this is rather lucky. It was tried yesterday in the stadium, but the Americans found they understood German better than the variety of English used by the announcer.

The real control of the games is in the hands of the so-called International Olympic Committee. This body is composed of five noblemen and only two commoners. European aristocracy always has had a stranglehold on the Olympics as they were founded by Baron Pierre de Coubertin. The five all-powerful aristocrats here today are Count Henri de Baillet-Latour of Belgium, Baron Godefrey de Bloney of Switzerland, the Marquis de Polignac of France, Lord Aberdare of England and Count Bonaccosa of Italy.

The list of seventy-one members of the International Committee as a whole is rich with the names of titled sportsmen form all nations are preceded by Excellence or General.

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