Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Abyssinia mobilizes
Abyssinia does have military weaponry but these are antiquated. They have 200 pieces of artillery mounted on rigid gun carriages. They also posses 50 anti-aircraft guns ranging from 20mm Oerlikons, 75mm Schneiders and Vickers. For tanks, they have some Fiat models and Ford Trucks with armor. For air support, they have three Potez-25 biplanes.
There are 400,000 rifles of many types in all conditions for the men to use.
The Bottom Line: Abyssinia is very ill-equipped for war with Italy.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Abyssinia pleads again
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Germany's Newest Laws

The first law is the "Law for Protection of German Blood and German Honor".
"Entirely convinced that the purity of German blood is essential to the further existence of the German people, and inspired by the uncompromising determination to safeguard the future of the German nation, the Reichstag has unanimously resolved upon the following law, which is promulgated herewith:"Section 1
1) Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or kindred blood are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance of this law are void, even if, for the purpose of evading this law, they were concluded abroad.2) Proceedings for annulment may be initiated only by the Public Prosecutor.
Section 2
Sexual relations outside marriage between Jews and nationals of German or kindred blood are forbidden.Section 3
Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens of German or kindred blood as domestic servants.Section 4
1) Jews are forbidden to display the Reich and national flag or national colors.2) On the other hand they are permitted to display the Jewish colors. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.
Section 5
1) A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 1 will be punished with hard labour.2) A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 2 will be punished with imprisonment or with hard labour.
3) A person who acts contrary to the provisions of Section 3 or 4 will be punished with imprisonment up to a year and with a fine, or with one of these penalties.
Section 6
The Reich minister of the Interior in agreement with the Deputy Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice will issue legal and administrative regulations required for the enforcement and supplementing of this law.Section 7
The law will become effective on the day of its promulgation; Section 3 however, not until 1 January 1936.
The second of the laws is called "The Reich Citizenship Law"
Article 1
1) A subject of the State is a person who belongs to the protective union of the German Reich, and who therfore has particular obligations towards the Reich.2) The status of subject is acquired in accordance with the provisions of the Reich and State Law of Citizenship.
Article 2
1) A citizen of the Reich is that subject only who is of German or kindred blood and who, through his conduct, shows that he is desirous and fit to serve the German people and Reich faithfully.2) The right to citizenship is acquired by the granting of Reich citizenship papers.
3) Only the citizen of the Reich enjoys full political rights in accordance with the provision of the laws.
Article 3
The Reich Minister of the Interior in conjunction with the Deputy Führer will issue the necessary legal and administrative decrees for carrying out and supplementing this law.
Saturday, September 3, 2005
League exonerates both beligerents
What this actually does remains to be seen.
Thursday, September 1, 2005
President signs Neutrality Act
The act would prohibit sales of arms and materials to any party if war should break out in Europe. It also stipulates that American citizen travelling does so at his or her own risk.
President Roosevelt said that the new law would require American vessels to obtain a license to carry arms, would restrict Americans from sailing on ships from hostile nations and would impose an embargo on the sale of arms to "belligerent" nations.
It provides the strongest language yet warning other countries that the U.S. would increase its patrol of foreign submarines lurking in American waters. This stated neutrality is mostly a response to Germany's insistence on rebuilding her forces despite the Treaty of Versailles prohibiting such.
The President lobbied congress for the Executive ability to impose economic sanctions on nations at the Presidential discretion. Congress did not take this option and has chosen a complete neutrality.
The act will expire in six months on February 29th.