In high good humor the Moroccan rebels launched their invasion of Spain proper. A troopship loaded with Legionnaires put in at Algeciras near Gibraltar. A rebel torpedo boat shelled the undecided garrison at La Linea, which thereupon joined the revolt. But when La Linea citizens, watching black Moorish troops march into barracks, refused to disperse, the Moors mowed them down with machine guns, blasted them with hand grenades, left La Linea's streets littered with dead. In thousands of commandeered cars, the rebels pushed north, fanning out along the railroads leading toward Madrid.
Manifestoed General Franco from Morocco: "Spain is saved! The Provinces of Andalusia, Valencia, Valladolid, Burgos, Aragon, the Canaries and the Balearic Islands, with their garrisons and civil forces, have joined enthusiastically with us. Only Madrid made an exception in sending its planes to bombard cities and towns without defense, killing women and children. . . . We will demand accounts from them as well as from those still on the fence. . . ."
Spain, however, was by no means saved for General Franco. What he needed most were Madrid and Barcelona. In both cities rebel regiments were shelled into surrender by loyal artillery and planes. The loyal Warship Cervantes sent shells whistling into Cádiz where a body of rebel troops had landed. Loyalists were further heartened by a report that General Franco had lost courage and radioed for a seaplane in which to flee.
The Government's arming of a "Red militia" of workers was what definitely took this week's revolt out of the traditional formula of Latin coups d'état and put it into the class of Russia's revolution of 1917. Last week 6,000 tough Asturian miners marched down from the North to Madrid's assistance, as the Army rebels marched up from the South. Declared the Spanish Government: "Spanish citizens! The movement in insurrection has been subjugated absolutely and it is necessary not to lose the fight."