Monday, December 29, 2008
Restrictions on Jews on Trains
Friday, December 26, 2008
Declaration of Lima
Twenty One American Republics met these past few days in Lima, Peru. Those in attendance signed the Declaration of Lima on Christmas Eve. The document highlights the particular unity among American nations not just as a geographical means but a sprititual one. It provides for pan-American consultation in case of a threat to the “peace, security, or territorial integrity” of any state.
This meeting is a regular occurrence. American nations meet every few years to discuss topics that of interest and concern to these nations.
Members are: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.
The Eighth International Conference of American States,
That the peoples of America have achieved spiritual unity through the similarity of their republican institutions, their unshakable will for peace, their profound sentiment of humanity and tolerance, and through their absolute adherence to the principles of international law, of the equal sovereignty of states and of individual liberty without religious or racial prejudices;
That on the basis of such principles and will, they seek and defend the peace of the continent and work together in the cause of universal concord;
That respect for the personality, sovereignty, and independence of each American state, constitutes the essence of international order sustained by continental solidarity, which historically has found expression in declarations of various states, or in agreements which were applied, and sustained by new declarations and by treaties in force; that the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, held at Buenos Aires, approved on December 21, 1936, the declaration of the principles of inter-American solidarity and cooperation, and approved, on December 23, 1936, the protocol of nonintervention; the Governments of the American States
First. That they reaffirm their continental solidarity and their purpose to collaborate in the maintenance of the principles upon which the said solidarity is based;
Second. That faithful to the above-mentioned principles and to their absolute sovereignty, they reaffirm their decision to maintain them and to defend against all foreign intervention or activity that may threaten them;
Third. And in case the peace, security or territorial integrity of any American republic is thus threatened by acts of any nature that may impair them, they proclaim their common concern and their determination to make effective their solidarity, coordinating their respective sovereign wills by means of the procedure of consultation, established by conventions in force and by declarations of the inter-American conferences, using the measures which in each case the circumstances may make advisable. It is understood that the Governments of the American Republics will act independently in their individual capacity, recognizing fully their juridical equality as sovereign states;
Fourth. That in order to facilitate the consultations established in this and other American peace instruments, the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, when deemed desirable and at the initiative of any one of them, will meet in their several capitals by rotation and without protocolary character. Each government may, under special circumstances or for special reasons, designate a representative as a substitute for its Minister for Foreign Affairs;
Fifth. This declaration shall be known as the "Declaration of Lima."
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Italy forbids Jews in Military
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Danzig Pogroms
Unlike in Germany, there were protests against the violence by those in power. The League of Nations Commisioner, Dr. Burkhardt of Switzerland, lodged complaints against the pogroms but he was barely heard.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Libyan Jews no longer Italian
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
German Jews can't go to University
Friday, December 5, 2008
Seventh Ordinance
Father Coughlin goes on...
Despite his Anti-Semitic remarks, it appears the Catholic priest is well-liked among the American public. Americans have gathered to let their voices be heard claiming that when Hitler gets here, he'll change things for the Jews.
The Roman Catholic Church does not condone Father Charles Coughlin's beliefs.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Aryanizing Jewish Businesses
Also today, Jews were forced to relinquish their driver's licenses and their vehicle registration papers. An earlier proclamation also forbade the movement of Jews from different localities.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Danzig Jews included in atonement
Father Coughlin continues to Anger

He leads a political party by the name of the Christian Front out of Detroit. He led the National Union for Social Justice until its transformation into the Christian Front last year. He has claimed that there is a Jewish-Bolshevik Threat to the United States. He has also joined in with the Isolationists in saying "Less care for internationalism and more concern for national prosperity."
The Roman Catholic Church has said that they can only disagree with the priest. They cannot make him stop using the radio as a medium to reach the masses.
He again made inflammatory remarks on his November 30th broadcast. With the increasing violence against Jews in Europe, there are murmurs that Coughlin is accepting money from the Nazis. It may be possible. He has been growing further critical of FDR in the past four years and praised Hitler for his anti-Jewish policies.
He has also found it harder to fund his radio broadcasts as of late. Even with a 1 million and more circulation of his journal Social Justice Weekly. It is assumed that he must be accepting money from abroad. Not even the Bishop of Detroit could fund this.
This journalist assumes the FBI to look into any Nazi connections the priest may have. If the agency is not currently doing so, then get to it!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Great Britain picks up the pace
Despite Chamberlain's assurance "Peace for our Time", it appears the British are not so assured after all. However, it may be noted that it was initiated due to Germany's illegal presence in the Rhineland and its own surge in military building and manufacturing.